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Man Wears Sack Clothes In Protest Of Spouse’s Forced Quarantine (Video)

A man in Ol Kalou, Nyandarua county has protested forceful quarantine of his spouse.

Joseph Mathenge wore sack clothes and is reportedly on a hunger strike until relevant authorities release his wife, a trader at the Ol Kalou Market.

According to K24 Digital, Mathenge alleged that his wife had completed the mandatory 14 day quarantine period but continues to be held at JM Kariuki Memorial County Referral Hospital.

He further stated that the mother of two had travelled to Migori for farm produce but upon returning home, she was summoned to Ol Kalou Police Station.

He blamed his wife’s woes on business rivalry at the fresh produce market.

“When she returned from Migori, she was directed to go to Ol Kalou Police Station. Upon arriving at the police post, she was told that she would be placed under forced isolation for 14 days,” said Mathenge.

“I have a right. I will pursue my right up to the last minute. My wife should be out to look after her children. Where is she now? You’ve turned my family into a broken one. The government is not quarantining people the right way. It is breaking families, which are institutions recognised by the same government. Without families, no government can stand,” he continued.

On Thursday, acting director general at MOH Dr Patrick Amoth said the government will expedite testing of those in forced quarantine.

He said that those who test negative will immediately be set free.

This came after complaints were lodged into the state of quarantine facilities.

Some decried the poor treatment by health officials while others said the facilities were more like a prison.

Last weekend, 455 people arrested flouting curfew orders were placed in mandatory quarantine.

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