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Manhunt On For Robbery With Violence Suspects Who Escaped Custody

A manhunt is on for seven robbery with violence suspects who escaped from Thika police station last night.

In detailed revelations by the DCI, the escape was planned by the suspects where one of them feigned sickness.

Apparently, one of the remandees claimed to have diarrhea and pleaded to use the lavatory. The other remandees pleaded with the officer on duty to accompany their sick colleague to the toilet before he soiled the whole cell.

When the officer on duty opened the door, it was then that he was attacked with blows by the other remandees before they took away the keys to the main door and made their escape.

Read: Four Rogue DCI Officers Arrested for Robbery with Violence

“How 8 of the 9 capital offenders walked to freedom in a highly guarded facility, is what detectives based in Thika are currently trying to establish, not ruling out the possibility of an inside job,” the DCI said.

The suspects have been identified as Livingstone Njau, Francis Matheri, Allan Mugai, Charles Mitaru, John Murege, Eric Ngigi, Arthur Kayemba and Bunton Mbugua.

One other remandee, Joseph Nyaguthii who had also escaped was caught a few meters from the station and re-arrested.

So far, the officer who was on duty at the time of the prison break is in custody, answering questions in relation to the same with authorities hunting for the other criminals while calling on anyone with relevant information to come forward.

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