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Witness Says Maribe Was In Company Of Sonko, Friends On Night Monica Was Killed

jacque maribe

Suspect in Monica Kimani's Murder, Jacque Maribe. [Courtesy]

Former Citizen TV anchor Jacque Maribe was in the company of Nairobi governor Mike Sonko and a few friends on the night Monica Kimani was murdered, court heard.

A witness, Chelagat Ruto told the court that she, a friend only identified as Juliet, Sonko and the accused person were at 40Forty Lounge on the day that the businesswoman is said to have been slain.

Ms Ruto told Justice James Wakiaga that she met Maribe in 2017 and later forged a friendship. Then, she worked with senator Johnson Sakaja’s campaign team.

Read: Witness Statement Places Jowie At Monica Kimani’s House On Night Of Murder

On the material day, she recalled seeing the other accused person Joe “Jowie” Irungu at Road House restaurant on Dennis Pritt Road at around 6.30 pm.

She was in the company of Juliet, while Jowie was accompanied by a “tall and dark-complexioned man.”

The witness recalled leaving the restaurant at 8.45 pm for Citizen TV studios on Sonko’s invitation. Jowie and his unidentified friend, she said, left at around 8.30 pm.

Read Also: DNA Report Places Jowie At Crime Scene In Monica Kimani Murder

“At Citizen, I parked my vehicle, a white Range Rover, at Q-Lounge and accessed Citizen premises alongside Governor Sonko,” she narrated.

Afterwards, she added, she left for 40Forty Lounge with Maribe at around 11.30 pm, behind them the governor’s convoy.

“At around 11:30pm, still on the night of September 19, 2018, we left for the Westlands entertainment joint in Jacque Maribe’s car. Sonko’s convoy followed, thereafter.”

Read Also: The Late Monica Kimani was Detained at JKIA for 3 Hours, Jowie’s WANTED Accomplice Identified

It was not until later that Jowie joined them but chose to sit alone, a few metres from them.

“While at 40Forty, I was seated with Maribe, Sonko and Juliet, when Jowie joined us at around 1am Thursday [September 20]. Jowie was still dressed in the same outfit – brown khaki pants, a white T-shirt and a maroon cap. Jowie, however, chose a table of two, which was located a few meters from where we were seated. He took beer,” the court heard.

In the wee hours of Thursday morning (September 20), the witness left with Juliet while Maribe and her co-accused took the former’s car.

Read Also: Jowie Asks Court To Free Him On Bail, Claims He Has Been Suffering

Lamuria Gardens caretaker, Reagan Buluku is also set to testify later today.

Last week, Jowie pleaded with the court to release him on bail as was Maribe, on grounds that he has been suffering.

Speaking to a local daily, the former security guard said his parents have been making long trips from Nakuru to Nairobi to see him for 10 minutes only.

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