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Suba South MP John Mbadi Booed At Dori’s Funeral

suleiman dori

Suleiman Dori Buried At Kwale Home. [Courtesy]

Msambweni Member of Parliament Suleimani Dori has been laid to rest in Gazi, Kwale county.

The legislator passed on on Monday morning at the Aga Khan Hospital where he was receiving treatment.

He succumbed to cancer.

During his burial, Suba South John Mbadi was booed by mourners for linking Deputy President William Ruto to the Sh39 billion fake arms deal.

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The deceased was a close ally of the DP after he (Dori) and his Malindi counterpart Aisha Jumwa were expelled from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party for backing the former’s 2022 presidential bid.

The lawmaker was however spared after writing a letter to the party. He was directed to appear before a special National Governing Council to explain himself.

Ruto remembered him as a diligent leader who advocated for equal justice.

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“Mheshimiwa Suleiman Dori was a progressive figure who tirelessly championed for the empowerment of the people of Msambweni; he was hardworking, focussed, fearless, with an inextinguishable love for everyone,” he tweeted.

Majority leader in the National Assembly Aden Duale remembered the deceased as “a great son of Kenya, he was a courageous and industrious servant of the people who sacrificed personal comfort to serve the country with commitment and dedication…”

Among those present were Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna, ODM National Chairman John Mbadi, Kwale Senator Issa Juma Boy and Lamu Woman Representative Ruweida Obbo.

The others were MPs Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga), Benjamin Tayari (Kinango), Paul Katana (Kaloleni), Michael Kingi (Magarini), Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Mishi Mboko (Likoni) and William Kamoti (Rabai), Kassim Tandaza (Matuga), Omar Mwinyi (Changamwe).

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