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Comedian MC Jessy Back in Race for South Imenti Parliamentary Seat

Comedian turned politician Jasper Muthomi alias MC Jessy is back in the race for South Imenti parliamentary seat.

MC Jessy will run in the August polls as an independent candidate.

“Sent like an arrow from a mighty man’s hand. We keep going….. Bado Tuko kwa race. Let’s do this South Imenti, 9th August it is,” he tweeted.

The former Churchill Show comedian dropped out of the race five days ago after meeting with UDA flagbearer deputy president William Ruto.

He withdrew from the race in favour of from the race in favour of Mwiti Kathaara after successful consensus talks.

Ruto announced that MC Jessy would join the UDA presidential campaign team in preparations for the much-awaited August polls. This means that the position won’t be subjected to nominations slated for Thursday.

Read: UDA’s MC Jessy Drops Out of South Imenti MP Race After Talks with Ruto

“MC Jessy (Jasper Muthomi) will join the presidential campaign team after postponing his parliamentary bid in favor of Mwiti Kathaara for the South Imenti Seat,” said Ruto.

The comedian joined UDA in January this year.

MC Jessy stated that he arrived at the decision after holding various consultative meetings with the people of South Imenti.

He revealed that he got a call from the country’s second in command and that he was convinced that UDA is the winning team.

“It’s now clear where the vision is heading. After many days of consultative meetings with my South Imenti people I have officially been invited to join UDA. The groundwork that has been done has finally landed on the side of winning team,” he said in a statement.

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