The Medical laboratory workers have resumed their strike, following the lapse of a 48-hour notice that they had issued.
The workers through their union, Kenya National Union of Medical Laboratory Officers (KNUMLO), had called off their strike five days ago, following a commitment by Council of Governor (CoG) to resolve the stalemate.
However, CoG turned against the agreement, forcing the workers to issue a new 48-hour ultimatum.
“No hospital can give accurate diagnosis without the services of the laboratory officers who have been neglected by their employer, the health ministry. For the neglect we have seen, we have decided we will stay at home and bond with our family rather than risk death in in the line of duty,” said KNUMLO secretary general Chrisphine Momanyi.
Read: Crisis In Public Health Sector Deepens As Doctors Join Nurses, Clinical Officers In Strike
The workers are demanding a comprehensive medical insurance cover as well as approval of the union members’ check-off to remit their union membership fee straight from their salaries.
The Lab workers now join striking clinical officers and nurses, who are fronting almost similar demands, including an increment in their risk allowances.
Currently, doctors earning a risk allowance of Ksh20, 000 per month; nurses Ksh3,850; clinical officers Ksh3,000; and other officers Ksh2,000.
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