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ODM Nairobi MCA Mellab Lumalah Dies in India

Mellab Lumalah, the deputy minority leader in the Nairobi County Assembly and an ODM-nominated MCA, has died.

Ms Lumalah died in India, where she was undergoing medical treatment.

The mother of one passed away on Monday morning, confirmed Assembly Acting Clerk Gavin Castro. The Assembly is, however, now waiting for more information from her caregivers who are still in the Asian nation.

“Given that she passed away outside the country, we are still trying to piece together the details. The family did not tell us what she was ailing from, so I cannot comment on that. However, we have a board meeting at 9.30am today, where more details will be communicated,” Mr Castro told the Nation.

Read: Nairobi MCAs Asked to “Style Up” and Dress Appropriately During Zoom Meetings

Majority whip Paul Kados, intimated that the deceased had been hospitalized in India for a while as she battled cancer.

Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris remembered Ms Lumalah as “loyal, passionate and dedicated to service”.

The County MP extended her condolences to the deceased’s husband and son.

“Saddened to learn that Nominated MCA Hon Mellab Lumalah has passed. She was loyal, passionate and dedicated to service. My condolences to her dear husband Afwayi and their son,” she tweeted.

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