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Mercedes-Benz Plans to Bring Apple’s Siri to Its Cars

European luxury car-maker Daimler Chrysler, plans to bring Apple’s iconic voice assisted system, Siri, to its A-Class  line of cars. The Siri system would allow drivers to control various in-built electronic systems in the car using voice commands. The in-built system, called the Drive Kit Plus will work in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz’s Digital DriveStyle App to translate the iPhone’s screen onto the in-car system screen.

Drivers of the A-Class Mercedes-Benz will be able to enjoy listening to music, change radio channels, update social networks statuses, and send SMS. The Drive Kit Plus will come pre-installed with all popular apps such as Twitter, Facebook, and Aupeo Personal Radio apps. Users will then be able to add and control apps through their iPhones. The cars will also have Garmin navigation system operable through Siri integrated in them.

Mercedes-Benz is not the first carmaker to integrate Apple’s technology into a vehicle’s  electronic platform. Range Rover equipped some of its Range Rover SUVs with iPads as entertainment system. The new Siri in Mercedes-Benz feature will début in the 2012 Geneva auto show next month with a commercial rollout later this year.

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