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Migori County Police Arrested For Killing Boda Boda Rider Over Ksh100 Levy

Locals at the scene where a boda boda rider was beaten by Migori County askaris. [Courtesy]

Migori County askari has on Tuesday been arrested for allegedly killing a boda boda rider for failing to pay Ksh100 levy.

According to reports, the rider was beaten senselessly before he was rushed to hospital by good samaritans.

He was however declared dead on arrival.

South Kamagambo Location Chief Erick Mala told Nation that the 22-year-old man succumbed to head injuries while being rushed to Rongo Sub-County Hospital.

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“I rushed to the hospital after getting reports of a man who was attacked by county askaris but on arrival, the doctor confirmed that he had passed on,” the chief stated.

Speaking on the incident, Rongo OCPD Joel Kiptum mentioned that the culprit will be charged with murder once investigations are complete.

He further noted that the police are pursuing other suspects who escaped after committing the act.

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The incident has since sparked outrage from locals and other boda boda riders who protested on Tuesday as they blocked the busy Kisii-Migori highway in protest.

According to an eye witness, Mr Victor Ochieng’, the victim was stopped by Migori County enforcement officers at one of the cess points in Rakwaro trading center and they demanded a sticker to show that he had paid the levy.

He stated that it was during that time that an altercation ensued before the county askaris attacked the rider with clubs, hitting him on the head.

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Ochieng’ noted: “He was stopped and asked to produce his sticker but when he told them that he was riding a private motorcycle, they attacked him with clubs, hitting him several times on the head.

“We cannot allow such form of brutality to thrive especially from those entrusted to provide security. Even police officers manning roadblocks do not handle us in this manner,” he added.

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