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Millie Odhiambo: SRC Should Go Home,They Have Finished Their Work

Mbita MP elect Millie Odhiambo has said that she is not afraid of being called greedy as long as she knows the salary is going to help her constituents.

Ms Odhiambo has been known for her vocal demeanor and has not been silent about the salary cut saying she will not support it.

She said that she uses her salary to help her constituents especially during funerals and that Ksh 200,000 was going directly to help her people.

She stated that Sarah Serem, whose salary was more than hers, and her commission should go home as they had already accomplished their mandate of deciding what Civil servants should be paid.

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Last week Kiambu woman representative Gathoni Wa Muchomba and her Homabay counterpart, Gladys Wanga faced the wrath of KenyanS when they said that SRC should not reduce their salaries.

Kenyans took to twitter to depict them as greedy legislators.

A comedian, Tony Njuguna on Wednesday filed a petition in court that would bar the two from taking oath of office.

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