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Mombasa Medics Threaten to Down Tools Over Delayed Salaries

Medics from Mombasa County have threatened to down their tools over non-payment of salaries from November last year.

In details revealed to Kahawa Tungu, the medics stated that the strike will commence on January 11, 2021 at midnight.

This, they said is after their demands were not met and the 7-day strike notice expired.

Among the issues raised nonpayment of salaries from November last year. Others are non-remittance of statutory deduction (such as NHIF, bank loans), delayed Promotions and redesignation.

The medics further expressed their disappointment through their union leaders stating that they had been evicted from their rented homes over rent arrears.

Read: Mombasa Health Services Paralysed as Medics Strike Over Unpaid Salaries

Others have accumulated bank loans that end up reducing their net salaries. Also, sick medics are reported to be denied health services and are forced to dig deep into their pockets to cater for the bills as their NHIF cards are rejected.

Efforts by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho to solve the issue ideally bore no fruits as the medics stated nothing tangible was put on the table for resolution.

The strike is expected to paralyze operations in all county hospitals hence patients have been asked to seek treatment elsewhere.

Religious leaders, political leaders and human rights groups have called on the relevant authorities to end the perennial problem.

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