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Monica Finally Accepts Late Ken Okoth Fathered Anne Thumbi’s Son

The late Ken Okoth's wife Monica and his brother Imran Okoth during the funeral service of the late MP [Photo/Courtesy]

Monica Okoth, the widow of the late Kibra MP Ken Okoth, has finally accepted DNA results that confirmed the lawmaker fathered Anne Thumbi’s son.

The widow, Thumbi and Ken Okoth’s mother Angelina Ajwang’, through their lawyers, have consented to have the case closed. The application was filed in a Nairobi court on Tuesday.

Monica’s lawyer Walker Kontos said all parties have agreed that Okoth is the minor’s biological father.

“The DNA results obtained by the applicant indicate that the alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the child,” the consent reads in part.

Read: DNA Results Confirm Ken Okoth Is The Father Of Anne Thumbi’s Son

Monica had last month challenged the DNA results that showed a 99.9 per cent match. She stated the results in her possession proved otherwise.

The court ordered her to present the said results within 15 days.

On her part, Okoth’s mother had accepted the results.

Samples were collected from Okoth’s body before it was cremated on August 3.

Thumbi had sued the family for excluding her son in the late lover’s funeral arrangements.

Read Also:Late Ken Okoth’s Lover Anne Thumbi Speaks On Supporting Mariga’s Kibra Candidature

“The mother and wife have deliberately and unfortunately excluded me from the funeral and burial arrangements of Okoth, ” a petition filed by her lawyer Elkana Mogaka read in part.

The court stopped the cremation for a DNA sample to be collected after the family agreed to resolve the matter through a DNA test.

Each party agreed to present their own pathologist for the DNA.

Sonko’s Outburst

During Okoth’s final memorial service in Kibra, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko shocked many when he claimed that the lawmaker, who he termed as his close friend, had a son with Thumbi.

Read: Sonko Threatens To Expose 16 “Deadbeat” MPs, Governors

“In 2013 Ken Okoth invited Sonko Rescue team to hold a medical camp for his constituents in Kibra. There were beautiful nurses and he fell in love with one of our nurses called Anita. And they began going out together. I can attest to that,” said Sonko.

He urged Okoth’s family not to neglect the minor.

“My humble appeal is that even as we prepare to bury Ken, let’s not forget his son. He too needs and has a right to participate in the send-off of his beloved dad… The family should accept
Hon. Okoth’s son enjoys legal protection and recognition,” he added.

The former lawmaker died in July after a long battle with colorectal cancer.

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