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More Wait For New KPA MD As Candidates Fail Interview

Kenyans will wait longer to have a new Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) managing director, after the candidates who had applied for the position failed the interviews.

Consequently, KPA Board has been directed to undertake a fresh recruitment of the Managing Director and conclude the exercise within 45 days.

“I have reviewed the list of names, scores and ranking of the candidates proposed for appointment as Managing Director, Kenya Ports Authority, and note that all the candidates scored below the desired threshold of 70% in the interview”, a letter by Treasury CS Ukur Yatani to KPA Board Chairman Rtd Gen Joseph Kibwana says.

Read: Former KPA MD Daniel Manduku Charged Afresh In Ksh928 Million Scandal

Former KPA MD Dan Manduku resigned in June 2020 following allegations of corruption, with his position being taken over by Rashid Salim in an acting capacity.

Those who were shortlisted for the post include Former Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport Corridor chief executive officer Silvester Kasuku, former Principal Secretary at the Gender ministry Mwanamaka Mabruki, and Murshid Rashid.

Kasuku was third with 63 percent while Mabruki and Rashid scored 67 percent.

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