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Mountain View School Parents Complain Of Increased Fee Amidst Harsh Economic Times

Mountain View School parents have raised concerns over the move by the institution to increase school fees amid tough economic times.

A source close to Kahawa Tungu has termed the move an inconvenience adding that the parents have only been given one month to look for the school fees increment despite the Covid-19 pandemic taking a toll on businesses and jobs.

Also, the increment is said to only affect PP2 to Grade 4, with the other students using the normal 844 reported to be favored with increased lower margins.

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Thus, according to the parents, the hike in school fees in the institution is deemed unfair going by the current tough economic times and disrupted school calendar due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This letter is coming at such a time to inform you of the forthcoming school fees increment that will be reflected in your invoice for the new academic calendar year (July 2021- March 2022). It is our duty and dedication to provide quality and holistic learning services. Our school has been on a continuous improvement program across all departments and this comes with a cost. The school Board is always keen not to compromise on our standards and appreciates your partnership in supporting an environment that produces remarkable academic results as well as a properly natured character in every child,” the notice reads in part.

Read Also: Parents Move To Court Over Brookhouse School Directive To Pay Full Fees

In the notice sent to parents, the institution cited the need to train and equip staff to keep up with the CBC requirements and acquiring of appropriate infrastructure as the reason for the increased fees.

“The demand for quality service delivery has put a lot of pressure on the school finances. This has been aggravated by the need to train and equip the staff and keep up with the CBC requirements. A better equipped and remunerated workforce, sustainable systems and structures together with appropriate infrastructure translates to greater outputs and progressive outcomes,” the notice adds.

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