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Mudavadi Assures Lamu of Gov’t Support, Says Devolution Here to Stay

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has assured that the National Government fully supports devolution and that counties are here to stay.

Mudavadi said the government is cognizant of the Constitution 2010 that brought into existence county governments.

“In 2010 during the late President Mwai Kibaki’s regime, I spearheaded the key areas of governance as a foundation of devolution. I want to assure the people of Lamu and Kenyans that we fully support devolution,” said Mudavadi

He urged counties to work closely with the National Government to witness the desired progress.

“We are working hard to cure the mentality where some leaders who want to work in silos,” noted Mudavadi.

Mudavadi said the devolution foundation laid requires progressive support to ensure it is consolidated.

He says Ruto’s administration is seeking to strengthening devolution and it is paramount for Kenyans to support these efforts by backing the counties’ agenda.

Mudavadi was speaking in Lamu on the second day of his tour when he held a consultative meeting with elders, religious leaders and residents at a town hall meeting.

Discussions focused on the potential that lies in exploiting the blue economy, tourism, cotton farming and cashew nuts as well as matters on peace and security.

“I urge the people of Lamu to rally together in finding solutions to challenges facing your county. This is because Lamu is a custodian of significant resources, which if well exploited, will benefit the locals and be of great value nationally,” said Mudavadi.

“Counties like Mandera had never witnessed tarmac roads for decades until devolution came in. This is a sign that even for Lamu, the LAPSSET project should be a gate-way to new frontiers,” added Mudavadi.

The Prime CS lauded calm witnessed in Lamu recently saying it is the only way that will help attract investment and tourism.

He assured that the national government will continue investing in and supporting the security efforts to ensure the residents of Lamu are able to carry on with their daily lives without any fear.

“The President is committed that no region should be left behind. That is why he has invested heavily on the security of Lamu as well as other regions. You can see how frequent the Cabinet Secretary of Interior visits Lamu to ensure everything is okay,” noted Mudavadi.

“Generations have suffered and we do not want to see future generations suffering as a result of insecurity and lack of peace,” he added.

He told the people of Lamu that the horn of Africa largely depends on the peace and stability of Lamu citing the county to be one of Africa’s strategic pillar and piece of asset.

Mudavadi noted that the government will be investing more on the Manda Airport development plan saying this will aid in opening Lamu’s economy thus opening the economy of the whole country.

He said plans are also underway to connect the airport on the national grid so that it can have constant power supply to aid in its operations.

“There is also a great opportunity that lies within the Lamu port that is under construction. Some Sh56 billion has already been injected into the project and its potential upon completion will surpass that of the Mombasa port,” he said.

Mudavadi also presided over a fundraiser in support of Stone Town School in Lamu County where he assured the residents and students of the governments’ commitment to fostering lifelong learning as part of its key agenda.

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