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New MV Jambo Ferry Docks At Likoni Channel (Photos)

mv jambo


It was all pomp and color at the the the Kenya ferry services (KFS) docks with the arrival of the new and revamped MV Jambo ferry.

The  vessel was received on Thursday afternoon by the Transport and Infrastructure CS Julius Machariah alongside his tourism counterpart Najib Balala.

The blue vessel which signifies the oceanic color of the Indian ocean is set to be launched by the Head of State, Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday.

Unlike the old vessels in the Likoni Chanel where the passengers and vehicles share spaces the new vessel is divided  into compartments to accommodate passengers and vehicles exclusively.

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The vessel also has space for the disabled, elderly and expectant women with adequate  washrooms and other facilities for people with special needs .

It also has two rescue and emergency boats.

The vessel will increase the number of ferries plying the channel to seven.

Another ferry will land in November 2017.

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