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Shame On Uchumi Supermarket, Mwanaisha Chidzuga Accuses Them Of Selling Expired Goods

mwanaisha chidzuga
Mwanaisha Chidzuga

Mwanaisha Chidzuga is not happy with Uchumi Supermarket.

The Capital Centre branch apparently sold Mungatana’s wife an expired cake.

According to Chidzuga, the cake tasted like quinine and has caused her daughter a stomach upset and a sore throat.

In her lengthy social media post, Mwanaisha accused the bakery of selling goods that could have killed her child.

“Attention ladies and gentlemen I got this cake for my daughter’s birthday yesterday paid all the costs at Uchumi supermarket Capital Centre…took the cake to school for my daughter and she was happy coz of the decorations and the red velvet cake is what she had asked for…I am saying this with a lot of sadness because Uchumi Super Market bakery in their wisdom or lack of it decided to mess up with the taste. The cake instead of being sweet it was very bitter actually it tasted like quinine .I wonder what they were trying to do with the cake. For God’s sake don’t u guys taste the cake and the icing sugar before presenting it? What if the mixture turned out to be something poisonous kwani mnataka kuniulia watoto? Kama hamtaki kuuza au kupeana service nzuri si mfunge basi badala ya kutufanyia”

The former KTN news anchor concluded by saying that the ordeal really hurt her daughter’s feelings.

“Now I have to sort my daughters feelings and also treat a sore throat and stomach upsets she got from eating the cake.#ShameOn Uchumi”

mwanaisha chidzuga
Mwanaisha Chidzuga with family
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