
Former NMG Editor Naim Bilal Appointed KBC Managing Director

naim bilal

Naim Bilal. [Courtesy]

Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru has announced the appointment of Naim Bilal as the Managing Director of Kenya Broadcasting Cooperation (KBC).

A gazette notice drafted by the CS noted that the appointment, which takes effect immediately, will last for three years.

The notice stated: “In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 (1) of the Kenya Broadcasting Cooperation Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and Technology appoints Naim Bilal to be the Managing Director of the Kenya Broadcasting cooperation for a period of three years with effect from 20th March 2019.”

Bilal, who will be taking over from Waithaka Waihenya, was the current Head of the Kenya News Agency (KNA).

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While at KNA, Bilal was overseeing the operations of the Government Advertising Agency.

Previously, the veteran journalist also worked at the Judiciary as well as the director of information at the Ministry of Information and Technology.

Before his appointment, KBC’s secretary Paul Jilani was acting at the managing director after Mr Waihenya’s contract expired in 2017.

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