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Nairobi Leading in Online Food Delivery in Africa

Nairobi is the leading city in Africa for online food deliveries, a survey by the Kenya Food Index has reported. It is followed by Casablanca (Morocco), Lagos (Nigeria), Kampala (Uganda) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast).

The Report shows that Kenya has approximately Sh1.8 billion worth of market size for online food and beverage. According to the African Development Bank (AFDB), it is projected to reach 3.8 billion by 2024. Kenya currently has 2.1 million active members and this figure is expected to double by 2024.

“This projection is encouraging as it promises job creation and an injection to the local economy – assuming the Digital Economy is allowed to flourish,” e-commerce platform Jumia says.

One of the leading delivery platforms, Jumia Food, is already present in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret and Nakuru. The company has partnered with more than 1000 restaurants on its platform.

Read: Jumia and Twiga Foods Partner to Provide Fresh Produce Delivery

According to the survey, chicken was the most ordered food online, followed by burgers and pizza in the period between March and August 2020.

Kenyans spent an average of Sh2,000 for a meal on Jumia food, a 25 percent increase from the same period last year.

The increase has also been attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, which saw most restaurants close and movement restricted driving up online deliveries.

“Home delivery from restaurants and supermarkets is growing fast, as more consumers are choosing to order from home or the office and want to avoid crowds. We have been working hard this year to continue to improve our quality of service,” Jumia CEO Sam Chappatte said.

Read also: MTN Seeks To Sell Stake In Jumia

On average, most platforms take 35 minutes to deliver food.

“I expect we will do better by the end of the year. We are also signing up more restaurants and stores, particularly smaller independents, so that customers have the choice they expect, at affordable prices,” Chappatte added.

The report also showed that Kenya has the deepest mobile internet penetration in the region, with a majority using their mobile phones to access the internet.

Urban, young and tech savvy people between 25 and 34 account for the highest category of consumers.

Other food delivery platforms include Uber Eats and Glovo.

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