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Naivas Suspends Sale Of Red Meat In Its Outlets Countrywide


Naivas Supermarket has suspended sale of red meat in its outlets countrywide following revelations that it was selling meat laced with excess and harmful preservatives.

This follows a move by Governors Mike Sonko (Nairobi) and Alfred Mutua (Machakos) closing down meat sections of various supermarkets in their counties, Naivas included.

In Nairobi, Tuskys saw its Kenyatta Avenue outlet shut down after samples indicated that the meat has 63,000 milligrams of Sodium Metabisulfite per kilogram against the recommended maximum of 5,000 milligrams per kilogram.

Other Supermarkets whose meat sections were closed include Tuskys Buruburu, Naivas Gateway Mall, The point Naivas limited Buruburu, and Muthaiga fine Meat Limited.

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Announcing the suspension, Naivas Chief Commercial Officer Willy Kimani said that the whole stock of red meat will be taken through a thorough independent lab test and a step by step verification of each participant along the whole meat value chain.

“We will only be selling white meat for now in all our butcheries,” said Kimani.

In Machakos, governor Mutua closed all meat sections of Naivas Supermarket after it was discovered that Naivas Supermarket at Gateway Mall in Mavoko, Machakos County, had 3,286 milligrams of an additive that should not be used in meat.

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