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NASA Split Over Senator Malala’s Removal As Deputy Minority Leader

The National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition is split over the removal of Senator Cleophas Malala as the Deputy Minority leader.

Reports reaching Kahawa Tungu indicate that a meeting has been convened today morning where Malala is expected to be ousted and is likely to be replaced with Homa Bay Senator Moses Otieno Kajwang.

Through a message, it was communicated that all NASA members should be available for a 9AM Parliamentary Group meeting.

“Dear colleagues, the minority leader has convened a PG tomorrow morning, 9AM as indicated in the above letter, kindly plan to attend this important meeting,” reads the message in part.

Read: Senator Cleophas Malala Released On Sh2.5 Million Bond In By-election Chaos Case

Apparently, there is a split as Senators aligned to the Orange Democratic Party (ODM) have already signed the petition while other coalition members are yet to.

In the recently concluded Matungu by-election, Senator Malala differed with the ODM party for defending his party candidate, Peter Nabulindo.

The by-election was marred with chaos, voter bribery and irregularities leading to the arrest of Malala and South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro.

Read Also: Lawmakers Malala, Osoro Surrender To Police Over By-election Chaos

Malala was grilled at the Kakamega DCI offices and later released on Sh2.5 million bond with a surety of the same.

In September last year, Malala broke down in parliament claiming there were threats to his life and wanted his security beefed up.

“I am a husband and a young father. The most painful thing is that I am being accused of stage-managing my arrest on August 17. I humbly request this committee and the Inspector General of Police to take action. I have written many letters and called many offices seeking help but they have not taken any action.”

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