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National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi Undergoes Surgery to Repair Shoulder Fracture

National assembly Speaker, Justin muturi, has undergone a minor surgery to repair a fracture on his right shoulder and is now recuperating.

According to the speaker, the fracture occured three weeks ago when he tried to pull a drawer at his office. His seat slid off the glass chair mat and he ended up hurting his right hand shoulder.

Three weeks ago, just before the House went on recess, I had a minor accident in the office, I sought medical attention and was released to recuperate at home,” Muturi explained through tweets on his timeline.

Read: Speaker Justin Muturi Claims To Have Received Threats Over 2022 Presidential Bid

However, the speaker says the pain persisted forcing him to undergo the minor surgery to repair his shoulder.

“Unfortunately, the pain persisted and on the advice of the doctors, I have undergone a minor surgery on my right arm shoulder to repair the fracture that I suffered then,” Muturi said.

“Grateful to God that I’m recuperating well and ebullient,” the speaker added.

Last week, the presidential hopeful recalled members of Parliament from recess for special sittings which are expected to run between December 21 and 22.

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