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NCIC Unit to Track Down Perpetrators of Hate Speech on Social Media

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC)has established a special unit that is tasked with monitoring and deterring hate speech on social media ahead of the 2022 polls.

The Commission’s Vice-chair Wambui Nyutu said that the unit would trace individuals that use various social media platforms to spread hatred.

Speaking during a sensitization forum among young people in Kirinyaga,

“We have purchased gadgets to track down those who might be using fake accounts to spread hate on social media as the country prepares for elections,” Nyutu said.

Read: No Plans to Shutdown Internet in 2022 Polls over Hate Speech- CS Matiang’i

Speaking at a youth sensitization forum in Kirinyaga, Nyutu said that the trend had seen hate speech shifted from rallies and gatherings, to social media.

“The commission has instituted prosecution to some individuals who have propagated hate speech through social media and we are in constant contact with DCI to track down every individual who might be misusing the platforms,” she added.

The NCIC has in the last few weeks sought to identify political hotspots in Kenya by using past records.

“We have also started to engage the youths so that they are not misused by the politicians to cause violence during political campaigns,” Millicent Okatch, the commission’s Director of Programmes said.

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