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Ex-Tetu MP Ndung’u Gethenji To Face Charges For Allegedly Assaulting Security Guard

Former Tetu MP Ndung’u Gethenji will on Friday face charges of assault.

The ex legislator is expected to be arraigned tomorrow for allegedly assaulting a security guard in Kitisuru last Friday.

Gethenji who is also facing a civil suit over the control of Kihingo Village owned by the family was interrogated by officers from Gigiri Police Station on Wednesday evening.

He was later released on bail and instructed to appear before the DCI on Thursday and submit his firearm for ballistic examination.

Read: Former Tetu MP Ndung’u Gethenji Arrested Over Forgery Claims

Speaking to the Standard, Gigiri Police boss Julius Kiragu said the former lawmaker’s gun will be presented in court as an exhibit.

“We have decided to charge him with assault and causing bodily harm,” Kiragu said.

According to Mr Kiragu, Gethenji was captured on camera assaulting the guard on Friday at around 11 pm after he asked him (Gethenji) to lower the window of his car for inspection.

It is then that two men jumped out of the car. They were seen kicking the guard.

The victim has since received treatment at a health facility and has been discharged.

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