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DPP Haji Calls For International Cooperation To Unearth Faces Behind Ksh21 Billion Dam Scandal

DPP Noordin Haji / Courtesy

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has said that investigations to the Ksh21 billion dam scandal will require the help of international community to unearth its beneficiaries.

In a statement, DPP said that preliminary investigations had proved that it is true Ksh21 billion had already been lost, and they were pursuing leads to top government officials involved in the scandal.

“I have also noted the shocking magnitude of the amounts involved and the parties involved that are of interest in the investigations. This has in turn made the investigations complex requiring investigators to cover a wide range of areas,” said Haji.

Among the areas detectives have questioned include the tendering process, the companies involved and awarded the tenders and the compensation process.

Haji reveals that the tender was floated even without project design, with the parties involved trying to manufacture the designs when the scandal was unearthed.

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The officers involved also failed to acquire land for the project, while the only land in question had ownership disputes and that which was allegedly acquired the owners were not compensated.

Haji further reveals that there were no hand-over records of the sites, indicating that the contractor was not yet prepared to commence the project.

Despite this, the government parted with Ksh21 which was paid to the contractors. Haji accuses the procurement officers of failing to to consider the bankruptcy allegations against the main contractor from Italy, CMC di Ravena.

“An aspect of international cooperation shall be necessary in unearthing the true identity of persons behind the entities fronted in the agreements. Regarding the Kimwarer and Arror projects the actual amount under investigations is Ksh65 billion with Ksh21 billion already allegedly paid,” said Haji.

The DPP says that he is unaware of the amount involved in other projects ast investigations are still ongoing. He rubbished that investigations and prosecutions were politically investigated.

“Any ensuing prosecutions will be undertaken professionally devoid of any witch hunt, political considerations or any other extraneous matters,” he added.

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