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LSK President Nelson Havi and Njeri Thorne Engage In A Mudfest On Twitter

Law Society of Kenya President (LSK) Nelson Havi and his business partner Njeri Thorne are engaged in a mudfest on Twitter, airing each other’s dirty laundry.

It all started with a comment Njeri made following the arrest of Emurua Dikirr MP Johanna Nge’no where she likened his suffering to wishing it was Havi.

This quickly escalated to a war of words, where Havi and Njeri accused each other of sabotaging each others business thus putting everything out on Twitter streets.

Read: “Police Competing With Criminals In Abduction Of Kenyans,” LSK Boss Havi Reacts To Charles Gichuki’s Arrest

Havi questioned Njeri’s job alluding that she has nothing to do and is just a busy body focused on making noise and clout chasing.

“But we need ppl like me with a first-class, and masters, and money working for Kenyans. Not cheapskates like you who can be paid off to turn against the common good of the ppl in a bid to catch up with us. How much did Ahmed Nasir pay you again?” Njeri rebutted.

Trending at numbers one and two, Njeri revealed that Havi sabotaged their business by using company funds to settle bills for his side chicks who apparently checked in at different high-end hotels.

Read Also: LSK President Havi Under Fire For Terming Waluke’s Conviction As ‘Fraudulent’

Consequently, Havi accused Njeri of failing to settle outstanding bills by issuing dishonored cheques.

Last week, Njeri had claimed that the LSK president Havi was in an “entanglement” with two other lawyers.

For instance, the office is held with high regard and should be a representation of service to Kenyans through fighting for their basic rights and aiding in administering justice.

Read Also: LSK Raises Concerns Over Death Threats Against Nelson Havi Amid Planned Uhuru Impeachment

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