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New Evidence Indicates Younger People Are Not Resistant To Coronavirus

Coronavirus myths


New evidence from the US and Europe has indicated that younger people are not impervious to Coronavirus as initially stated, rather they are getting extremely sick from it.

The evidence documented by an online publication refutes the initial notion that COVID-19 only puts older people at most risk while younger people are less vulnerable. It however highlights that the younger people are more affected, with people aged between 20 to early 40s falling seriously ill.

The publication quotes reports from Italy and France which states that many of the younger people who get infected with the virus end up requiring Intensive Care more so those suffering from ailments that are yet to be diagnosed.

“It may have been that the millennial generation, our largest generation, our future generation that will carry us through for the next multiple decades, there may be a disproportional number of infections among that group,” Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus response coordinator is quoted following a press conference held on Wednesday.

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According to the data obtained from Italy which is the hardest country to be hit by COVID-19, out of the 28,000 patients, a quarter are aged 19-50 years old.

Additionally, the US accounts for an almost similar situation with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicating that out of the first 2,500 cases reported, 705 patients were aged 20-44.

CDC data shows that between 16 percent and 20 percent ended up in the hospital, while more than 4 percent needed intensive care while a few others succumbed.

Clement Chow, an assistant professor of Genetics and the University of Utah through a tweet confirmed that he was severely sick and in the ICU despite falling in the category of the younger adults.

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“I’m young and not high risk, yet I am in the ICU with a very severe case. We really don’t know much about this virus,” reads his tweet.

Through the twitter posts, it was established that Chow’s symptoms began with a low-grade fever that went on for a couple of days. A bad cough followed hence leading to respiratory failure and by this time, he tested Positive for the COVID-19.

Chow was taken to the ICU and kept on high flow oxygen hence became the first patient there.

During a press conference at the White House by US President Donald Trump, younger people were advised to keep away from reckless behaviors including partying and hanging out in overcrowded places.

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The majority of campuses and education institutions across the affected countries have temporarily closed until the pandemic is contained. However, there is still a huge decision facing the youths due to the canceled plans, including graduations, proms and many more.

In other places, students and people living in the cities were advised to refrain from traveling or flying back home to their older parents and grandparents as they are more vulnerable hence will be at high risk of contracting COVID-19.

According to the publication, necessary precautionary measures should be seriously taken by people of all age groups, as nobody is completely safe from the virus.

Staying home, self-isolation and quarantine are among the safest ways to prevent the spread of the virus. This has been proven very effective especially in Italy and China who instituted a total lockdown.

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