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Nyeri MP Ngunjiri Wambugu Wants DCI To Probe Politicians Using “Watu Fulani” Phrase To Allegedly Spew Hate

ngunjiri wambugu

Nyeri MP Ngunjiri Wambugu. [Courtesy]

Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu wants the DCI to investigate political leaders who use ‘ambiguous political’ terms that could fan violence ahead of the 2022 general elections.

In a letter dated September 15, the first time MP wants the DCI to probe leaders using phrases such as ‘watu wengine‘ or ‘watu fulani‘.

“Please note that the phrases, are politically ambiguous. These phrases are being assumed to refer to particular Kenyan political families,” he said.

“Others assume that these refer to a particular Kenyan economic sector however, some fear that these could easily refer to a certain ethnic community.”

The legislator fingered Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, Emurua Dikirr’s Johana Ng’eno and Deputy President William Ruto as some of the leaders who use the above-mentioned phrases.

He likened the phrases to ‘madoadoa‘ and ‘kwekwe‘ which were allegedly used in 2007/08 to spread ethnic hate.

“Madoadoa” was used to refer to members of the Kikuyu community while outsiders were referred to as “Kwekwe”.

“I, therefore, request your office to investigate whether these phrases are meant to incite some sections of the Kenyan society against others,” Ngunjiri added.

“If this is found to be the case, as a Kenyan citizen and an elected MP, I demand that appropriate charges be preferred against anyone who has used these phrases in political rallies.”

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