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Former Powerful Cabinet Minister, Nicholas Biwott is DEAD

Nicholas Biwott

Former powerful minister Nicholas Biwott passed away at 10am. According to a dispatch from the family, the self-declared total man passed away at the Nairobi hospital where he was being treated.

The total man was a member of parliament for Keiyo South for over two decades.

He was not only a politician but a businessman, and philanthropist who served served alongside Kenya’s first three presidents Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel arap Moi and Mwai Kibaki and with many significant public figures in post-independence Kenya, including Bruce McKenzie and Tom Mboya.

The veteran politician has held eight ministerial positions in his lifetime: Minister of Regional development, Science and Technology, Minister of Energy and Regional Development, Minister of Energy,Minister of East African and Regional Co-operation, Minister of Trade and Industry, Tourism and East African Cooperation,and Minister of Trade and Industry and East African Tourism.

“Mzee has been ill for quite some time and he was abroad for over one month seeking treatment till Sunday when he was flown back,” a close friend of Biwott told the Star.

His body is lying at the Lee Funeral home.

He was a supporter of Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election bid and was the party leader for the National Vision Party.

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