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Nick Mwendwa Resigns as FKF President Following Sh38 Million Graft Claims

Nick Mwendwa has stepped down as Football Kenya Federation (FKF) president.

In a letter dated November 29 and addressed to the federation’s National Executive Committee, Mwendwa said he was transferring his functions to his deputy, Doris Petra.

“In light of the foregoing, specifically the arrests and detention, which have adversely affected my family and personal business and whilst I’m confident of being cleared of any wrongdoing in the end, I have today, in accordance with article 42 (8) of the FKF constitution asked my vice president madam Doris Petra to assume all functions of the president,” the letter read in part.

However, on November 11, Sports CS Amina Mohamed disbanded the football body over claims of financial impropriety.

Read: Besieged FKF Boss Nick Mwendwa Charged With Four Counts of Graft, Freed On Bail

In its place, Mohamed installed a caretaker committee headed by retired Judge Aaron Ringera for a period of six months.

The CS also appointed a secretariat with Linda Ogutu as the head and assisted by Michael Muchemi (Secretary) and Loreen Shitubi (Joint- secretary).

Mwendwa’s resignation comes after the embattled former FKF President was charged with four counts of fraudulent acquisition of public funds amounting to Sh38 million.

Appearing before Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Eunice Nyutu on Tuesday, Mwendwa denied all the charges and was freed on a cash bond of Sh15 million or alternative cash bail of Sh10 million.

Read Also: Besieged FKF President Nick Mwendwa Re-arrested After State Closed Graft Case

He was also barred from accessing FKF offices at Kandanda House, publishing the matter in any media, and contacting any witness directly or through proxies.

Mwendwa was also directed to deposit his passport with the court.

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