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Nicki Minaj’s Ex, Meek Mill Sentenced To Up to Four Years In Jail

Nicki Minaj’s ex boyfriend, Meek Mill has been sentenced to between two to four years imprisonment for violating his parole.

The ruling was made by a Philadelphia judge after finding him guilty of two arrests. The two rappers had been in a relationship before breaking up earlier this year.

The controversial rapper Mill is said to have been arrested on several accounts over the past months.He was arrested earlier this year for careless driving and reckless endangerment, prior to that he had been arrested for misdemeanor assault in March.

The “All eyes on you” hit maker featuring Minaj is said to have on several occasions disobeyed the terms of his probation leading to the Judge’s indifference. In February this year, he violated a house arrest by going to a concert where he was scheduled to perform.

The judge said that he has tried to help the musician but her efforts bore no fruits.

“I’ve been trying to help you since 2009, citing a failed drug test, failure to comply with court order restricting his travel and two other unrelated arrests.You basically thumbed your nose at me,” said judge Brinkley.

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One of the prosecutors is said to have defended Mill saying that the musician has been clean since January and has grown as a person since his first arrest. The judge however told the prosecutor that he was new to the case and couldn’t understand how Mill works.

Meek mills is said to have accepted his mistakes and apologized to the judge.

“I may have made a mistake but i never had the intention of disrespecting you,” he said.

Fellow artists, Jay-z and Kevin Hart showed their support for the singer.

Kevin Hart shared a photo of him and Meek on his Instagram page and captioned it, ‘I will always have your back.’

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