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No Restrictions On Size, Weight Of Luggage Passengers Can Carry, Kenya Railways Clarifies

The Kenya Railways has issued a clarification regarding claims that it had imposed restrictions on the size and weight of luggage that passengers can carry.

In a statement shared on Kenya Railways’ social media pages on Tuesday, Managing Director Phillip Mainga said no such directive has been issued.

“Kenya Railways wishes to clarify that it has not issued any new directive regarding the size and weight of luggage that passengers can bring on board,” the statement reads.

He, however, encouraged passengers to consider carrying minimal luggage they can comfortably travel with.

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“Whereas we encourage passengers to bring along luggage that they can easily and comfortably carry, and which can be loaded onboard through the passenger access, we have not put in place any new restrictions regarding the number, size and weight of items a passenger can carry as luggage,” he added.

The statement comes days after the corporation, through a tweet, advised travellers to ensure that they board the trains with minimal luggage as many Kenyans sought train services during the festive season.

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Kenya Railways, however, deleted the tweet shortly after without an explanation.

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