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Nuru Okanga Charged with Publishing False Information, Released on Sh100,000 Cash Bail

Activist Nuru Maloba Okanga was Wednesday charged before Milimani Law Courts with publication of false information contrary to Section 23 of the computer misuse and Cyber crimes Act No.5 of 2018.

He appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied the charges.

In the charges read by Prosecution Counsel James Gachoka, the court heard that on diverse dates between June 7 and 10 at an unknown place within the Republic of Kenya jointly with others not before court, the vocal activist knowingly and unlawfully published false, defamatory and threatening information knowing it to be false.

Prosecution told court that preliminary investigations indicate the said information, which was published online, was intended to cause fear and panic among the citizens of Kenya.

Okanga was also charged with providing telecommunications services without a valid license contrary to Section 24 of the Kenya Information and Communication Act.

He pleaded not guilty to the three charges and was released on a bond of Sh200,000 with one surety or a cash bail of Sh100,000 with one contact person.

The case is scheduled for pre-trial on July 3, 2024.

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