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Nyeri DG Caroline Karugu in Court Over Non-payment of Salary Since 2019

Nyeri deputy governor Caroline Karugu has sued the county government and governor Mutahi Kahiga over non-payment of salary.

In her suit filed at the Nyeri Employment and Labour Court, Dr Karugu claimed that she has not received her salary since November 2019.

She is entitled to a monthly pay of Ksh.685,250.

She also alleged that she has been denied allowances including fuel allowance. She has apparently had to spend Ksh.442,107 on fuel.

Through lawyer Harrison Kinyanjui, Dr Karugu also claimed that she has been denied access to her office and her staff withdrawn.

Further, Dr Karugu who took office in May 4, 2018, also noted that she has not been invited for cabinet meetings since April 2019.

Read: Appointing Caroline Karugu As DG Was A Mistake – Nyeri Governor Kahiga

She also told the court that she is being treated as if her employment was terminated.

The matter which has been certified as urgent will be mentioned on September 16, 2021.

In January, Governor Kahiga said he made a mistake by appointing Dr Karugu as his deputy. He averred that she is always busy “doing other things”.

“She is not involved in my government at all. She is busy doing other things. She is just our deputy governor by name but we never see her. She never comes to work,” Kahiga said.

In 2020, Dr Karugu distanced herself from a pit latrine billboard erected by the governor and Konyu Ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) Eric Mwangi.

The DG dismissed the billboard as a cheap publicity stunt that was ill-advised.

“I wish to disassociate from these persistent cheap publicity stunts and I consider them extremely unfortunate and ill-advised,” she said.

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