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ODM Denies Issuing Direct Tickets To Some Aspirants Amid Storm

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has denied reports circulating on social media regarding the alleged issuance of direct tickets to some aspirants.

Yesterday, a section of the media reported that the Raila Odinga-led party had resolved to issue direct tickets in select regions in preparations for the August 9 General Election.

The reports indicated the party is using a combination of methods including opinion polls ratings and consensus to pick the most popular candidate for the ticket.

Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga, who is eyeing the county’s governor seat in the August polls, is among aspirants said to have been handed a direct ticket, sparking a storm from critics.

But in a brief statement on Tuesday, the party said the information is not true as no such communication has been relayed to the media.

Also Read: Charles Owino, Orengo To Battle for ODM Ticket As Former Police Boss Joins Raila Party

ODM said its National Elections Board (NEB) will issue an official statement regarding the matter on Tuesday afternoon.

“Please ignore information doing rounds on social media purportedly authored by the Director of Communications Etale Philip on issuance of direct nomination certificates to some individuals. The information is not true. NEB will address the matter today in the afternoon,” said ODM.

“The office of the Director of Communications of the ODM has not released any press statement with regard to party primaries. Any document in circulation is fake and should be ignored by all.”

Wanga is among several candidates seeking the Homa Bay governor seat on an ODM ticket.

Yesterday, ODM Chairman John Mbadi dropped his bid to succeed Governor Cyprian Awiti, to concentrate on Raila Odinga’s presidential campaign.

Also Read: ODM Opens Probe into Assault of Journalists at Chungwa House

Other candidates eyeing the seat include current Deputy Governor Hamilton Orata, former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero and politician Oyugi Magwanga.

The aspirants had already paid nomination fees in readiness for party primaries slated for April 18.

There were reports that the ODM intends to refund nomination fees in areas where the party opts to issue direct tickets.

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