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ODM Tells Off NASA Partners Following Claims Of Frustrations

ODM National Treasurer Timothy Bosire (Image/Courtesy)

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has told off its partners in the National Super Alliance (NASA) following claims of frustrations and bullying in the coalition.

This was in reference to the parliamentary group meeting on Thursday, May 28, 2020 where members of the party that were perceived as rebellious were flagged out.

Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa and her Kiminini counterpart Chris Wamwalwa dealt a blow after NASA coalition stripped them off House roles for being disloyal.

Wamalwa, a member of the Ford Kenya party, was voted out as deputy minority and replaced by Tongaren MP Eseli Simiyu, the Ford Kenya secretary-general.

Read: Aisha Jumwa, Chris Wamalwa Among MPs Striped Of House Positions For Being “Disloyal”

According to Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetangula, the new changes were uncalled for and not agreeable by all members of the coalition.

“We are seeing it has come to a point when a barometer and thermometer are trying to find out which of them is more hollow than the other. Changes in committee leadership depend on the provisions of Standing Orders and agreement by members,” Mudavadi is quoted by Nation.

Wetangula on the other hand intimated that the ODM party is trying to sabotage NASA coalition by doing everything possible.

Bungoma Senator further wants the issue of assets and liabilities sorted out before the coalition is dissolved.

Read Also: Wetangula Loses Brother Admitted At Aga Khan Hospital With A Fever

“ODM is doing everything possible to try and force the collapse of Nasa. But there is the issue of assets and liabilities before we can pronounce Nasa as dissolved.” Said Wetangula.

ODM’s National Treasurer Timothy Bosire was quick to debunk the allegations by Wetangula stating that as a party, they owed other NASA partners nothing.

Ultimately, Bosire added that the Sh4 billion that ODM received was not affiliated to the NASA partners, rather it was based on their strength of numbers in parliament.

According to Bosire, the ODM coalition agreement with NASA and its partners was to give Raila Odinga the presidential support.

Read Also: Jubilee, NASA Senators Summoned To State House Ahead Of Kindiki’s Ouster

“We agreed to support Raila Odinga as a presidential candidate in the August 8, 2017 presidential elections whose results were later invalidated by the Supreme Court and we never took part in the October 26 repeat election.”

Bosire added, “We have been in other coalitions and co-operations in the past. As members of NDP, we were in a cooperation with Kanu, we later joined Narc as LDP and as ODM formed Cord – Coalition for Reforms and Democracy. Once the mission is achieved or failed, either that is the end of that alliance or coalition or it is restructured.”

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