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Senator Orengo To Institute Impeachment Motion Against DP Ruto

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Siaya Senator James Orengo [Photo/Courtesy]

Siaya Senator James Orengo has announced that he is willing to sponsor an impeachment motion against Deputy President William Ruto.

Speaking during an event in Ugenya, Orengo mentioned that Dr Ruto can be shown the door if it is found that he has violated the Constitution or any other law.

He noted that Article 150 of the Constitution can be used to throw out DP Ruto.

“I want to repeat here and now that the Senate together with the National Assembly, we want to bring a motion of impeachment to kick out DP Ruto from office,” Orengo asserted.

According to the Senate Minority leader, the Constitution allows the President to appoint a new deputy president after his removal, with the approval of the National Assembly.

Read: David Murathe Hires James Orengo In A Bid To Block DP Ruto’s 2022 Presidential Ambition

He affirmed that Kenya cannot make progress with a Deputy President who is constantly at the center of every corruption case.

Orengo noted that it is time for lawmakers to make maximum use of the Constitution by demonstrating the power of the Constitution to those who think they are above the law.

Earlier this month, Orengo was hired by former Jubilee Party vice chairman David Murathe in his battle against Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid.

Murathe divulged to a local publication that he had hired Orengo together with senior counsel John Khaminwa who are working on a comprehensive filing that will be presented to court for counsel.

“We are not going to the Supreme Court. Instead, we are going to the Constitutional Court first,” Murathe commented.

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