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Pastor Ng’ang’a A Free Man After Complainant Withdraws Sh3.6 Million Fraud Case

Pastor James Ng’ang’a of the Neno Evangelism can now breathe easy after a Nairobi court closed a Sh3.6 million fraud case against him on Thursday.

Milimani senior resident magistrate Nyamu Wandia withdrew the case after the complainant, Wickson Mwathi, told the court he had forgiven the man of the cloth.

Ng’ang’a had been charged with obtaining Sh3.6 million from the businessman by falsely pretending he would lease a 17-bedroom house to him in Karen, Nairobi.

The court heard that Mwathi had decided to withdraw the case after striking an out-of-court settlement agreement with the accused.

Mwathi noted that he forgave Ng’ang’a because his mother attends the pastor’s church.

Read: Pastor Ng’ang’a’s Application To Bar Media From Covering Sh3.6 Million Fraud Case Dismissed

“Your honour, I forgive Pastor Ng’ang’a since my mother worships in his church and I would like to withdraw the case,” Mwathi said.

Responding to the prosecution counsel Abel Omariba’s question on whether he had been paid the amount mentioned in the case, Mwathi said Ng’ang’a had given him a token of Sh700,000.

He added that the pastor doesn’t owe him anything.

Also Read: You Do Not Need Degree To Spread The Gospel – Pastor Ng’ang’a To Linus Kaikai

Mwathi’s attempt to withdraw the case hit a snag last week after the prosecution told the court that they had not been briefed on the decision.

“There is no way an accused person or a complainant can ask a court to terminate a case when the Director of Public Prosecutions is not aware,” senior principal magistrate David Ndungi said.

Ng’ang’a was out on bail.

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