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Pastor Ng’ang’a Lashes Out At “Stupid” Congregants, Threatens Bishops – Video

pastor ng'ang'a


Neno Evangelism Pastor James Ng’ang’a has unleashed a rant on his bishops accusing them of disrespect.

In a six-minute video, which has surfaced online, the seemingly irritated pastor slams his bishops for disrespecting his wife.

The controversial pastor went ahead to hurl insults at the bishops as his congregations kept mum.

Read:Controversial Pastor Ng’ang’a Moves To Court To Seek Protection Over Sh3.6 Million Debt

He accuses the men and women, who have amassed wealth while in his church, of arrogance.

“Nataka kuongea na mabishop wale wako kwa kanisa langu, if you’re not going to respect my wife am going to kick you out of my ministry, even if who you are, ata kama tulitahiriwa na wewe.

“Wajikanga hawa…mmenikuta kwa hii ministry na wake wenu hawa. Mmetajirikia hapa hapa kwangu, stupid arrogant. Mmenikuta hapa hapa nikihubiri na mkokoteni mkatajirikia hapa. Nimesema kama hamtaheshimu mke wangu am not going to serve with you, kama mke wako hataheshimu mke wangu na mmekuja kwangu na matuta … useless people taka taka , rubbish, hakuna kitu mnaezaniambia mimi watu wa Neno, mimi ndo neno” Ng’ang’a says.

Also Read:Controversial Pastor James Ng’ang’a Issues Fresh Threats After Arrest Reports

Ng’ang’a goes ahead to say the devil is behind his recent tribulations, and that the media has focused on bringing him down because he’s the founder of the church.

“Am facing all this bad because of Neno, Satan wants to bring Neno down that’s why the devil is fighting me all over media, alafu wewe na mke wako mnadhani mtanitahirisha,” he adds.

He vows that if the trend continues, he’ll close all Neno branches across the country, but his.

Also Read: Controversial Pastor Ng’ang’a Arrested for Conning Businessman Sh3.6 Million

“I want full respect nikikohoa mnaitika, kama vile mliitika mkiwa hamna kitu, ata sahii mko na kitu mtaitika the same, mkinichezea natoa wote mabishop nitafunga hiyo viosk nabaki na Neno ya Nairobi peke yake,” he says.

Ng’ang’a is not strange to controversy. He was recently arrested and charged with threatening to kill Citizen TV journalist Linus Kaikai in a video.

Kaikai, the Director, Strategy & Innovation at Royal Media Services, filed a complaint with police over the “consequences” threat from Ng’ang’a over his stance on ‘con’ pastors in Kenya.

Also Read:Pastor Ng’ang’a Charged For Threatening Linus Kaikai, Released On Sh200,000 Bail

He was also arrested for conning a businessman Ksh3.6 million.

Here is the video.

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