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Paul Kukubo is a Selfish Leech Who Needs to Be Sacked From ICT Board ASAP

Just talking to mere mortals around town and hearing all kinds of stories is so refreshing. When you get to dig the details a little bit, you get some details which you didn’t know existed.

When I was in form one at Onjiko Secondary School in Nyando, I always wanted to be a journalist. I developed deep love for journalism but my dad wanted me to be an accountant because my elder brother, RIP bro, was doing well in his accounting after his CPA. My dad also knew that I was an A student in sciences and maths so he thought that my mathematical skills would be best utilised in keeping books.

So over the years, I grew up reading books (novels, plays and short stories mostly) but in the late 90s, I started reading stories about computers and what they could do. The person who I was very close to and knew more about computers was my late cousin, Moses Muga, who was in the Kenya army and was travelling all over in the peacekeeping missions. His travels to Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Sierra Leon and other countries exposed him a great deal to modern technology as the UN missions even, still use very modern in technology.

So in the late 90s, I read a story in the then East Africa Standard (now The Standard) about the 3 guys who started 3Mice. Betty Kukubo, Paul Kukubo and Ken Njoroge (now with Cellulant) were mentioned in the article. I felt inspired. In late 1999, I got to register for various ICT courses at Africa Virtual University. That is where my love for ICT grew. Kukubo was an inspiration to me.

Fast forward to now. Kukubo is running ICT Board like his private firm. He does not give a hoot to what critics say and to delude the stupid few that he really care, he will collect the small bunch of ignorant diaper kids, feed them lots of nonsense in the name of facts then dismiss the fools with a serving of coffee. Kukubo would laugh at them clapping not at Kukubo’s brilliance but their very ignorant selves (you remember Saitoti and the like clapping at Moi saying that there was no Minister who could succeed him? Yeah!) Kukubo will be secretly laughing his ass off as he drive away having successfully showed that critics of ICT Board are the enemy and not that ICT Board is the enemy of the techies.

These are the issues which I raise against Kukubo and by extension, PS Ndemo.

More on Kukubo’s failings, read here 

With all the above not well addressed, I think that Paul Kukubo should be immediately sacked from the ICT Board of Kenya and the board reconstituted and given a clear mandate.

Let me give you a short story about why Paul Kukubo has no business sense and is just an opportunistic parasite. While still the CEO of 3Mice, the company used to hire developers pay them peanuts and source for projects like the Nation Media Group’s website. That is why wakina Ken Njoroge ran away so fast. Here is how the website looked when 3mice handled it. 3mice charged NMG around Ksh 6 million for the development and a further Ksh 5 million for every year the company maintained the website among many other charges.

3mice used the then NMG Director of IT, Paul Richu as the front-man who also got huge kickbacks on the deal. Other small time thieves like now head of Tandaa, Kaburo Kobia, were then working under the NMG digital team as “web editors” copy pasting newspaper content into primitive html templates. The web editors were  to keep an eye on the happenings at the twin towers. Before joining NMG digital team, Kaburo Kobia was working at 3Mice.

In late 2000s when someone introduced the idea of Content Management Systems  (CMS like Joomla, Drupal and WordPress) to NMG, Paul Richu vehemently opposed the idea. he even opposed the purchase of the domain . The new consultant proposed the iJoomla magazine system which you can remember that Business Daily website was built on until later when they changed to the new system. Richu then put all manner of roadblocks on the way of the new advisor. Linus Gitahi secretly asked the new consultant to present his case while Paul Richu also presented his argument against the idea. Paul Kukubo and Linus Gitahi were one time classmates and so he was in a very tricky situation.

Nation Media Group’s Lousy Content Management System is Revealed  

Linus realised that CMS systems would deliver a powerful but cost-effective system to the group. The new CEO gradually edged out Paul Richu by giving him a soft landing in the business development before completely sacking him without drawing much attention to the move.

Though backed by the management, Paul Kukubo through the 3Mice delivered nothing but very expensive html pages to Nation media group. The sacking of Paul Richu from NMG was good enough no-confidence vote on the ability of Paul Kukubo.

3Mice has just remained a shell of its past with most clients looking elsewhere. They were recently evicted from the Kenyatta family owned The Chancery offices before moving to George Padmore Ridge.

Show me the work of 3Mice and what it was paid for and tell me if it was not a work of a con deceiving some ignorant corporate head.

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