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Pain at the Pump as Petrol, Diesel Prices Increase By Sh5

The Energy Petroleum and Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has announced an increase in fuel prices.

EPRA in its monthly assessment of fuel prices increased the prices of Super petrol and diesel will by Ksh5 starting Tuesday, March 15 until April 14.

At the pump, Super Petrol will cost Sh134.72 per litre, while diesel will cost Sh115.60. Kerosene, on the other hand, remains steady at Sh103.54.

“Government will utilize the Petroleum Development Levy to cushion consumers from the otherwise high prices,” the statement read in part.

Read: EPRA Exposes Petrol Stations Found Selling Adulterated Fuel

Despite the surge in the worldwide market, the prices of super fuel, diesel, and kerosene have remained constant over the last five months: Sh129.72 for super petrol, Sh110.6 for diesel, and Sh103.54 for kerosene.

EPRA has kept the fuel prices the same since October last year, when the cost of petrol and diesel were reduced by Sh5 per litre and kerosene by Sh7.28 per litre, respectively.

Previously, the three were going for Sh134.72 (petrol), Sh115 for diesel, and Sh110.2 for kerosene, which were at a five-year high.

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