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Photos And Videos Of Attackers Arriving At Dusit D2 Attack

kenya attack


Several Cars were exploded

The Dusit D2 Complex attack has rocked the country with many wondering how the Al Shabaab managed to attack an area that is barely less than 5 kilometers from State House, Nairobi.

Photos and footage from CCTV’s manning the Dusit complex perimeter show that the attackers were heavily armed and dressed in combat gear.

They arrived in two vehicles, one of them left outside and another one detonated in the parking lot.

One of the photos even show a clear picture of one of the attackers.

A few minutes after 3 PM, armed terrorists forced their way into Dusit D2 Complex, shooting randomly at any sight of movement at the premise.

CS Matiang’i has assured that the place has been fully secured but has not confirmed if any arrests have been made of the attackers of been shot dead.

“We have secured all the buildings that had been affected. The situation is under control and the country is safe. Terrorism will never defeat us. We will not surrender or bend,” he said.

Some people have confirmed that their relatives and friends are still stuck in the building.

Here is the video of the gunmen forcing their way inside:

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