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Poisons Board Raid in North Rift Region Leads to Arrest of 69, Closure of 95 Chemists

A raid by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board has led to the arrest of 69 people in the North Rift region.

They were illegally handling pharmaceuticals.

“80 cartons of assorted medicines were seized. The arrested persons have been booked for prosecution in various courts,” the board said, adding that 95 chemists were shut down during the operation.


Read: Poisons Board Shuts 95 Pharmacies in Lower Eastern Crackdown

The surveillance team is conducting an operation within the Kakuma Refugee camp, Kakuma town, Kanamkemer market and Lodwar town within Turkana County.

The operation is targeting the North Rift Region covering the Counties of West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Nandi, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Turkana and Uasin Gishu.

Last month, the board closed 100 chemists in five counties within the Upper Eastern region.

Read Also: Poisons Board Upgrades System for Kenyans to Report Adverse Effects of Covid-19 Vaccine

45 people found operating the premises were nabbed with those who pleaded guilty being fined between Sh60,000 and Sh100,000

Then, PPB senior inspector of drugs Julius Kaluai said the raid started in Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi Isiolo and Marsabit.

At least 90 cartons of assorted medicine were confiscated.

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