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Police Close Off City Hall Following Elachi’s Resignation, County Staff Blocked From Accessing Office


City Hall has been reportedly cordoned off by police following County Assembly speaker Beatrice Elachi’s resignation. Further reports indicate that the county staff have also been blocked from accessing the offices.

Earlier today through a televised briefing, Elachi resigned citing threats to her life and frustrations as some of the reasons for leaving the office.

She appointed Ruai MCA John Kamangu to take her place in acting capacity pending further communication.

Read: Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Elachi Resigns, Cites Life Threatening Incidences

“It has been tough and I can’t hold any longer. I, therefore, tender my resignation and thank President Uhuru Kenyatta for giving me this opportunity to serve under his Jubilee administration,” she said.

She further noted that the county will thrive under the newly established Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) led by General Mohamed Badi.

The news of Elachi’s resignation came as a shock to many, although Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko seemed to be in a very celebratory mood.

For instance, moments after Elachi announced her resignation, Sonko posted several videos on his social media accounts that suggested that he was celebrating the exit of the speaker.

Read Also: Governor Mike Sonko In Celebratory Mood After Beatrice Elachi’s Resignation

In one of the worship songs he posted, Sonko captioned “Yuko Mungu Mbiguni Asikiaye Maombi yetu (There is God in Heaven who hears our prayers)”.

In another video, Sonko said that “We have seen your mighty hand Lord” before he added another one with the infamous Jubilee Party supporters campaign slogan that “sio juju ni maombi (It’s not witchcraft, it’s prayers)”.

Sonko and Elachi have been at loggerheads, and at one time Elachi declared herself the governor after Sonko was barred from accessing his office.

Announcing her resignation today, Elachi accused Sonko of being one of the people after her life.

“Governor Sonko, you cannot go on threatening people’s lives and their families. You also have a family. You cannot have everything, just nurture what God has given you,” Elachi said in a statement.

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