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Police Commission Promotes 738 Senior Officers

Outgoing National Police Service Commission promoted 738 senior police officers after its last meeting.

Chairman Eliud Kinuthia said they met on March 10 and received recommendations for promotion of police officers from the Inspector General, National Police Service in accordance with the Law.

The Commission reviewed the extent to which the recommended officers fulfill the requirements of promotion to the various ranks and was satisfied that the criteria was met.

The Inspector General assured the Commission that the process was competitive, transparent and had considered regional, ethnicity and gender balance in arriving at the preferred candidates in accordance with Article 10 and 232 on National Values and Principles of Governance and Public Service, he said.

“Subsequently, pursuant to Article 246(a), the Commission determined promotions of Seven Hundred and Thirty-Eight (738) Police Officers distributed in Kenya Police Service, Administration Police Service and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in respective ranks,” he said.

The beneficiaries included 14 officers of the rank of Senior Assistant Inspector General of Police (SAIG), 51 officers of police he Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG), 135 of the rank of Commissioner of Police (CP), 277 officers of the rank of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) 261 Superintendents of Police (SP) and 50 civilian staff of NPS in various cadres.

The Kinuthia team is supposed to leave office by end of March. Recruitment for a new team mostly of the civilian side is ongoing. Apart from the IG, his deputies are members of the commission.

The main functions of the commission include recruiting and appointing persons to hold or act in the office of the police service, confirming appointments, and determining promotions and transfers within the National Police Service.

They also observe due process, exercise disciplinary control over, and remove persons holding or acting in offices within the service.

The commission has been making efforts to improve the welfare of the service at large. This includes creating a counseling unit to focus on mental issues in the service.

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