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Police Give DP Ruto A Green-light Ahead Of Nyamira Tour After Last Week Chaos

Police in Nyamira County have granted permission to Deputy President William Ruto and his allies to hold two meetings in the region after last week’s interruption.

In letters seen by Kahawa Tungu dated October 13, the DP has been given a green light to preside over fundraiser events for Nyamira South Boda Boda Sacco and the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Miriri on Thursday, October 15.

The meeting with Boda Boda riders will be held at Sironga Sports ground from 10am.

In a letter addressed to the DP’s host and Member of Parliament for West Mugirango Vincent Kemosi Mogaka, the lawmaker was directed to ensure order is maintained as he will be held responsible for any acts of lawlessness.

“Take NOTE that you will be in compliance with the advisory directives by National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) and in obeyance of the Public Order Act Chapter 56, and adherence to health protocols in regard to Covid-I9,” the police said.

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“As the convener, you will work with the police officers to ensure that law and order is maintained. You will be held responsible for any acts of lawlessness and disorder that may arise.”


The leaders of the local church expected to host the DP were also directed to observe similar guidelines.

The DP was forced to cancel the two events last week after hours of confrontations between police and his supporters who had gathered at Kebirigo High School.

“After consultations with MPs Kemosi, Mose,Nyamoko, the bodaboda sacco and church leadership who had invited us, we have postponed the two functions in Nyamira County to Thursday next week,” Ruto said on Twitter.

Read Also: DP Ruto Postpones Nyamira Events After Police Dispersed Supporters

Last Wednesday, the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) told leaders and politicians intending to hold public meetings to notify the Officer Commanding Station of the area three days prior.

While dispersing the Boda Boda riders who had gathered to welcome the DP in Nyamira, the police said the meeting was illegal as the hosts did not adhere to the new guidelines on political meetings.

The directive was, however, interpreted by Ruto’s allies as an attempt to slow the second in command’s country-wide campaign tours amid Jubilee party wrangles.

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