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Police Officer Dies While Drinking In A Pub In Murang’a

man commits suicide Nairobi cbd

Police Vehicle /courtesy

A police officer in Murang’a dropped dead on Sunday in a drinking joint after barely taking a bottle of beer.

The sergeant officer ordered a beer in the joint, and took it halfway before he fell on the table as if sleeping.

Revelers who were in the club, thinking that he was just sleeping allowed him to rest for sometime before deciding to wake him up after around 20 minutes.

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However, the officer could not wake up prompting the revelers to call a medic from a chemist within, who confirmed that the officer had passed on.

Mathioya Assistant County Commissioner Jamleck Mbumba said investigations are underway to establish what caused the officer’s death.

The body was taken to Kiria-ini Mission Hospital morgue pending postmortem.

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