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Police Officer Suspected of Killing Rongai Tout Arrested

Homicide detectives on Friday arrested a police officer suspected of killing a matatu conductor in April.

Police Constable Edwin Oscar Okimaru was apprehended following an extensive investigation into the death of Ongata Rongai, Stage One conductor, Joshua Mungai.

According to DCI boss George Kinoti, Cybercrime and Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau, forensically placed the officer at the scene of the gruesome murder.

“In our findings that involved investigative interviewing of eye witnesses, forensic autopsy analysis by Chief Government Pathologist Dr Johansen Oduor and combing of the scene, the detectives indeed concluded that the suspect was at the scene of the murder, on the fateful night,” said Kinoti.

On the night of April 18, the deceased and two others only identified as Njenga and George were arrested for violating curfew orders by Okimaru.

The three were assaulted before being bundled into the trunk of a private car.

“The vehicle was then driven to Tuala bridge area, where the victims were dumped. Miraculously, George who had been tied up using a rope managed to free himself, before rescuing to safety the deceased and Njenga who had been badly assaulted,” continued Kinoti.

The three managed to get away on a motorcycle but could not take the deceased to a hospital for fear of running into their assailants.

George and Njenga left the deceased near Nazarene University.

“Luckily the following morning, a good samaritan assisted the deceased to Ongata Rongai health center, where he received first aid before being transferred to Kenyatta National Hospital, in critical condition,” stated Kinoti.

Joshua would two days later die as a result of chest injuries brought about by blunt trauma.

The deceased also suffered broken ribs and bones, indicating that he had been tortured prior to his death.

“Detectives are still pursing more leads into the murder most foul, with a view of gathering more evidence and making subsequent arrests.”

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