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Police Raid Matiang’i’s Karen Home

Police have raided former Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang’i’s Karen home.

The officers stormed the former CS’s home moments after DCI director Amin Mohamed declared that they had obtained a search warrant.

According to Amin, the officers want to establish facts surrounding the alleged raid.

Matiang’i’s home was allegedly raided last week on Thursday at around 10 pm.

Read: DCI Wants Access to CCTV Footage of Alleged Raid At Matiang’i’s Home

Matiang’i’s lawyer Danstan Omari told the press that the courts denied the police orders allowing them access into his client’s home.

“Out of frustration they drive here in a military form without a court order, get inside the house of the former CS and ransacked his house,” said Omari.

Omari claimed that once they requested the court order, the cops stopped searching the house.

The former CS’s guard said he was held by the police for at least an hour.

Read Also: Matiang’i’s Seeks Court Protection After Alleged Police Raid

“When they came they asked me to open the gate and when I declined and I was trying to reason with them they broke in, took me and threw me in the car boot,” the security guard said.

“I stayed there for approximately one hour and then they released me. One of them asked me if the client was in and I told them he was not in.”

Earlier, the court had turned down requests by the DCI to collect surveillance footage from Bob Morgan related to last week’s home invasion.

Instead, magistrate Wandia Nyamu directed the parties to appear in court on March 7, for an interparty hearing.

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Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party leader Raila Odinga who visited the scene said it was regrettable that Matiang’i was being treated like a criminal without any basis.

“What is the urgency over this matter? We are seeing a reinvention of Nyayo era where police are acting with impunity,” he said.

He also told reporters that the officers seized mobile phones belonging to the former CS’s workers among other things.

“What is it that Matiang’i has done? If you have evidence and you want to prosecute him take it to court,” he said.

“Harassment of individuals who have given service to this nation is not right.”

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