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Scare As Police Shoot Driver At Embu Road Block

Residents of Kangaru village in Embu County at the scene where a matatu driver was on September 9, 2019 shot and injured by police officers [Photo/Courtesy]

A Meru driver headed to Nairobi escaped death by a whisker on Monday evening after police manning a roadblock in Kangaru area, Embu County, opened fire.

The man identified as John Njuki sustained a bullet wound on his left leg and was rushed to Embu Level Five Hospital where he was admitted.

Matatu driver being taken to Embu Level Five Hospital [Photo/Courtesy]
According to reports, Njuki allegedly defied orders to stop his vehicle for inspection forcing the police inspector attached at the Embu West Police Division to shoot him.

A bullet hole was left on the driver’s door.

Vehicle with bullet hole [Photo/Courtesy]
The police officers claimed that the driver had a gun and was carrying criminals.

Mary Kageni, who was at the scene said, “The officers wanted to check whether there were criminals among the passengers but the driver failed to stop forcing the law enforcers to act by shooting him.”

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“Why did the police rush to shoot the driver while he was slowing down? They also searched the car and could not find the alleged firearm,” said Kinuthia, the matatu conductor.

The incident caused a commotion as passengers scampered for safety.

Residents staged protests accusing the police of injuring an innocent driver.

“The driver stopped but the police went ahead to shoot him,” said another resident.

County Police Commander Daniel Rukunga confirmed the incident saying he had launched investigations into the incident.

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